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  • 7 Best part-time jobs in Switzerland

7 Best part-time jobs in Switzerland

Living in a gem of a country like Switzerland, loaded with hiking track mountains, lakes, glaciers, ski resorts and valleys. Switzerland is one of the world's most renowned tourist attractions. Switzerland is leading the world with their banking system as everyone is aware of Swiss Banks. 


Their finance system and techniques are followed worldwide. Switzerland is mostly famous for its delicious chocolates and Swiss watches. It is a very demanding and expensive country to live and enjoy life. People living there need to work part-time to meet both ends. Especially students living in Switzerland can not survive without working part-time or foreigners living there cannot live without carrying two jobs. 


Despite the restricted policies regarding work permits and immigration, people are still desperate to get jobs and higher education in Switzerland. The government of Switzerland has shown leniency towards foreign students regarding migration policies and work permits.


Where to apply for part-time jobs in Switzerland?

People can now easily find part-time jobs in Switzerland by searching and applying on online job portals, social media platforms and recruitment agencies working locally and internationally for Switzerland. Few of those online job portals include Jobs in Schweiz, Betterteam - Switzerland, Fratres.net ,Jobboard Finder, JobScout24.ch, indeed, LinkedIn etc. 

Don’t forget to read about: Top 10 best jobs in Switzerland for Woman

The wages for part-time jobs are not fixed in Switzerland. There is no policy, particularly for part-time wages in Switzerland. However, people working part-time in Switzerland are usually paid 8-26 CHF (Confoederatio Helvetica franc) per hour depending on the nature of the job. 

The fresh graduates or people with zero experience are paid 2000-4500 CHF per month and people with experience, skills and education are paid 3000-6000 CHF a month.

Following is a list of part-time jobs easily available in Switzerland for students, foreigners and natives.

  1. Language Teachers

There are currently four national languages spoken in Switzerland that are French, Romansh, Italian and German. The officially spoken languages are French, Italian and German. English is the non-national and unofficial language spoken in Switzerland by 45 per cent of its population. So teaching a language is considered to be a respectable job in Switzerland. Foreigners or natives both can adopt this as a profession or can work part-time and teach any language they master to kids and even adults.

2. Store keeper/ Warehouse Handler

Warehouse handlers are responsible for maintaining commodities and keeping checks and balances over the first in and last out of inventory. A storekeeper is responsible to make sure the racks are not empty and are always full of commodities. The price tags are up to date, products are placed under the right tags and customers have full access to everything they need in the store.

3. Freelancers

freelancers jobs in switzerland

After the Covid-19 pandemic, work from home culture has boomed in every developed country. Nowadays employers and employees prefer to work from home to save resources like electricity and fuel. Freelancer has earned a great fortune during pandemic years. Students and people with talent are working from home and are earning handsomely. The time flexibility and home comfort played a vital role and the work productivity has significantly improved.

Understand: How to grow your Career in Switzerland?


4. Call Center

Many organizations have outsourced inbound and outbound call centers worldwide to save costs. These call centres are mostly operating in countries with low daily wages. Foreigners living in Switzerland and native students prefer to work in call centres on daily wages to earn money because minimum experience and education are required to work in a call centre. All that is needed is for a person to be fluent in a specific language.

5.Tourists Guide 

Switzerland is a great tourist attraction known in the world with beautiful peaks, hiking mountains, glaciers, lakes, ski resorts and valleys. Native people of Switzerland can easily become tourist guides and charge tourists for tours. A tourist guide must be aware of the geographical importance, customs, culture and traditions related to tourist destinations. They should be able to speak English and different languages to assist people.

6. Household help

Household help is becoming super common these days in every corner of the world. People pay individually for every work done in-house like separate wages for laundering or cleaning or cooking. It includes plumber and sanitation work. Agencies are working out there in Switzerland that send people home for household work.

7. Truck delivery 

truck delivery service job swiss

People who have a heavy vehicle license can easily do this job. Delivering commodities to grocery stores, inventory to hardware stores, merchandise to production factories and other places is another good paying daily wage work in Switzerland. Delivery food to far failing areas like mountains and resorts can be a good source of earnings.

Also read: Interview Preparation Tips in Switzerland

There are many other jobs available on daily wages like kitchen helpers in restaurants, babysitters, waiters, house cleaners, forensic assistants, social media analysts, security guards etc in Switzerland. The daily wages depend on the complexity of these jobs.


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